3 Easy DIY Turmeric Face Masks for Glowing Skin


I have been using turmeric in a bunch of my face masks for many many years now and it holds a special place in my heart because it does so many wonderful things to the skin. I always add turmeric to my DIY face masks and have noticed amazing results after using it.

Turmeric is a great spice for the skin because it helps repair so many different kinds of issues people have with their skin making it perfect for every skin type.

  • Turmeric has anti inflammatory and antioxidant properties which work wonders in bringing out the skins natural glow
  • It is known to decrease inflammation in the skin so it is great for fighting acne, acne scarring, dry skin, eczema and psoriasis
  • The antioxidant properties help to firm the skin and help with diminishing wrinkles
  • Can be used as a mild exfoliant to help even out the skin’s texture
  • It is also known to brighten and whiten the skin by reducing pigmentation and evening out skin tone, so it is great for those struggling with dark spots and hyper-pigmentation.

Here are three of my favourite DIY face masks using turmeric which has done amazing things for my skin.

1. Turmeric and Honey Face Mask


This super simple face mask is great for all skin types!

  • All you need is about a tablespoon honey and a pinch of turmeric (careful not to add to much as this could stain your skin yellow). Measurements don’t have to be exact, add as much as you feel is necessary.

Honey is a natural antibacterial, so it’s great for fighting and preventing acne. It is also great for slowing down signs of aging because its packed with antioxidants. Honey is also very soothing and moisturizing, which can help with dry skin and give a healthy glow to the skin.

2. Turmeric and Chickpea Flour Face Mask 


What you will need:

  • Turmeric – about 1 teaspoon
  • Chickpea flour (also known as gram flour or besan) – 1-2 tablespoons
  • Rose water -enough to make the mixture into a paste

-Combine all the ingredients in a bowl, apply to clean skin, leave on for 15-20 min (or until dry)

This mask is highly effective for those with oily and/or acne prone skin. The chickpea flour absorbs excess oil from the skin. It also cleanses out the pores by gently exfoliating the skin.  The rose water in the mask helps tone the skin by balancing out its pH level. Rose water is also very hydrating to the skin.

Tip: I also like to add a few drops of tea tree oil in this mask. Tea tree oil helps fight infection so it is amazing for fighting acne. You can also add tea tree oil in any of the other masks to help fight acne (Note: tea tree oil may irritate the skin if not diluted correctly; test it on a small portion of the skin first before applying all over the face).

3. Turmeric and Yogurt Face Mask. 



What you will need:

  • Turmeric- 1 teaspoon
  • Plain yogurt- 2 tablespoons
  • Lemon Juice- 1 tablespoon (Don’t add too much as this can make the mixture too watery and it wont stick to the face. So add as needed)

Combine all three ingredients and apply to skin and leave it on for 15-20 minutes.

This is a great multi-purpose face mask that targets many skin issues. Yogurt contains lactic acid which exfoliates the skin by dissolving dead skin cells. This helps smooth out the skin’s texture and tighten pores. Lemon juice contains citric acid which naturally lightens dark spots and acne scars. Lemon juice also tightens pores and reduces oil on the skin. All the ingredients are also great for brightening the skin’s appearance and giving it a beautiful glow.

Make sure you do not go into direct sunlight after using this mask as the lemon can make the skin more vulnerable to the sun. If you must go outdoors make sure to wear some SPF.

Note: Lemon juice can be irritating to the skin, so if you have sensitive skin test it out on a small part first before applying all over the face. If lemon irritates your skin just use turmeric and yogurt and it will still be amazing for your skin.

Turmeric one of those spices that can be used to help with so many different kinds of skin concerns.  It really makes a difference when adding it into our skin care routines.

I also try to incorporate turmeric into my diet because it not only helps the skin look amazing, but it also helps with my overall health and wellbeing. I either take turmeric pills or add it into certain dishes. Its anti-inflammatory properties works like magic to help fight against diseases and heal the body.

Leave a comment letting me know if you try any of the masks mentioned above and if it has made a difference in your skin.


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